Monday, February 3, 2020

My Tootie

Three years ago, a woman whom I love for it, gave birth to a baby boy. That day was like any other to me. Actually, I was all the way in with Big and Little, living life and uncertain what each of our futures would hold. I couldn't have known that somewhere in a hospital room, my forever boy was being born. He came into my world 8 months later and I knew immediately I'd be lost without him. 

He is so special to me that I often can't put it into words. His existence in my life tested my relationship with God in so many ways and ultimately restored my faith. He brings me joy that I didn't even know was possible. He makes me laugh every day. His hugs and kisses are like medicine for the hard days, and every time he calls me momma, my heart swells with love. I honestly couldn't love him more if he had come from my very own womb. In some ways I love him even more BECAUSE of the difficult path we walked to make it to forever. 

His personality is big and so is his temper. He always knows what he wants and he doesn't mind letting others know either. He's my dinosaur lovin', Paw Patrolin', climbing up and jumpin off, apple juice drinkin', Hot Wheels playing, nappin' with momma, sister pestering, donut devouring, little boy. He sings his ABCs, counts to 10, loves to do his "homework", knows his colors and shapes, and makes the most beautiful scribbles I've ever layed eyes on. Some of his favorite phrases this year are "that's amazing", "I need a ban-baid!", "oh shit!" (I have no idea where he learned that!😬), "here my am!" (Instead of here I am), "you're a jerk" (totally giving all credit to big sis for that one!), "goodness gracious", "what's that noisey?", and lots of "I love you"! 

He loves his people...his village, and my goodness do we love him too. He brings us great, great joy. 

I know this year will hold new firsts and some lasts that I didn't even see coming. I promise to soak it all up. Happy Birthday, my sweet momma's boy. I love you so big!!! 

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