Sunday, October 20, 2019

10th Trip Around the Sun

I wondered if anyone would come?!. It's hard to start something new. Think about the last time you started a new job. You wondered if you'd like anyone that you worked with...would you be miserable or would it be great? Imagine someone uprooting you from everything you've ever known. Planting you in a completely new environment and just "hoping" you'd grow. I'm almost certain we aren't the norm...because she is flourishing. 

I really wondered who would show up for her party. She's been here a year. That's really not so long to build friendships at her age. Most besties, at her age, have parents that are friends and they've "grown up" together. She had to start from scratch with a pretty unsocial mom. I mean, my parents are my besties. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I watched her struggling last year with friendships. I see so much of her mother in her and it breaks my heart in the hardest and best of ways. Her mother is strong enough to have survived things I can't even imagine. She passed that down. Her mother has a whole lotta sass...just like my Sassypants. I am grateful for the strength her mother gave her. I also see the way she has hesitated to form lasting bonds and quickly gave up on friendships. I know this is a learned behavior. Trust is HARD. 

She is blossoming into such a beautiful young lady. 10 years young. She's full of life. She love love loves her family. She loves school and her school friends. She loves her teacher...which I have no doubt,  God handpicked for a time such as this. She is boy in particular and I pray he never breaks her heart. Hell, I pray none of em break her heart cause I'm mad just thinking about it! I know they will. And I know that the strength of both of her mommas will carry her through it. She is making friends. She has a bestie, and we are so grateful for Harper. They share the experience of both coming from foster care and into adoption. I mean seriously...what a blessing for them to have each other. I shared with my girl last night that her mother had sent a happy birthday message. Without missing a beat, Harper smiled the sweetest smile and asked my girl if she was ok. She smiled back....nodded... didn't say a word, and they continued making slime. 

She is in between being a little girl and a big girl and I'm so grateful I get to help guide her from here. She won't let the Barbies and baby dolls go but they mostly collect dust while she makes smile and listens to music (singing loud enough for God and all the angels to hear) on the tablet. She is the very best big sister and she's just as amused as I am with all that little brother says and does. She's beautiful to me. Truly and honestly a miracle considering what her first 8 yrs held. 

Her party was amazing. It was full of everything a 10 year old would want. Her friends came. They giggled and had a ball. I worried about the unknown and it turned out to be perfectly fine. I'm sure I'll do more of that along the way, but I also hope I get even better at trusting that things have such a beautiful way of working themselves out.
My Sassy girl....I am absolutely terrified for your teenage years. The only possible advantage I can see with you continuing to age is that someday you can help to Uber your brother around cause I'm sure he'll be busy...and Lord knows I'll be tired! 

This year will hold our promise for forever. 
Here's to your 10th trip around the sun.